Free Training For Coaches, Experts, & Service Providers

Steal My Templates

These 5 Emails Made Me $23,000 While Testing A New Course Idea

😱 I had a tiny email list.

🤯 The course wasn't built, only had a rough outline.

😁 I wasn't Internet Famous - still am not.

🎉 The course has since brought in multiple six figs.

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Marya Jan is an online business strategist. She is the creator of One Ad Formula™ and Lazy Launch Roadmap™.

Stacey Secombe filled her program with $1500 clients.

She says, 'Marya has been sent to me from heaven'. (I adore you, too.)

Petra Foster went from a $18K launch to making $31K to $73K, finally doing her six figure launch.

Petra made half a million dollars working with me. (You are a rock star.)

Becky Dickson generating $15K from one promo to her email list.

"Marya is the only one who I trust with my ad account.' - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions